Our Purpose/Our Why

Our community is rapidly changing and growing, and like the rest of the nation is experiencing a rapid increase in foreign born community members. The Hispanic and Latin Americans represent the largest ethnic group in the United States and is quickly growing. One out of every four children in the United States is Hispanic. It is predicted by the year 2050 that over 30 percent of the U.S. population will be of Hispanic heritage. Our minority youth of today will have a significant impact on this country’s future. Unfortunately, the majority of minority and underserved youth today face major adversities and challenges, and several live in or near poverty. The education and well-being of these youth and their families will also have a profound impact on our community and on the country. Working together to empower these youth and their families, providing quality education to foster self-sustaining families, and ensuring access to resources these families need to flourish is imperative for the future of the communities in which we live and this country as a whole. 

Our Mission

To empower minority and underserved youth and families. To enhance health, overcome hardship, and promote an overall sense of belonging and well-being. To facilitate a welcoming and inclusive community that appreciates and values human difference and creates a sense of belonging where everyone feels respected and valued for their uniqueness. To build a community that is welcoming, culturally aware and competent as Lincoln County diversifies.
